Tuesday, March 10, 2015


"The Lavender Song"(Das Lila Lied), music by Mischa Spoliansky, lyrics by Kurt Schwabach (1920).

[English ]
What makes them think they have the right to say what God considers vice
What makes them think they have the right to keep us out of Paradise
They make our lives hell here on Earth
poisoning us with guilt and shame
If we resist, prison awaits so our love dares not speak its name
The crime is when love must hide
From now on we'll love with pride

Was will man nur? Ist das Kultur,
da jeder Mensch verpönt ist,
der klug und gut, jedoch mit Blut
von eigner Art durchströmt ist,
da grade die Kategorie
vor dem Gesetz verbannt ist,
die im Gefühl bei Lust und Spiel
und in der Art verwandt ist?
Und dennoch sind die meisten stolz,
da sie von anderm Holz!
Wir sind nun einmal anders, als die andern,
die nur im Gleichschritt der Moral geliebt,
neugerig erst durch tausend Wunder wandern,
und für die ’s doch nur das Banale gibt.
Wir aber wissen nicht, wie das Gefühl ist,
denn wir sind alle andrer Welten Kind;
wir lieben nur die lila Nacht, die schwül ist,
weil wir ja anders als die andern sind.

My interpretation of this part is that at this time 1920 in Germany people weren't  able to make their own decisions. Specially during this time of WAR, people had to live in this horrifying life if they wanted to be alive. It seems as if people were shame because of thing they had to do during this time such as kill another people because of Hitler believe it was the right thing to do, there was only two choices with him kill or be killed. Love was lost!! People will see darkness, feel darkness, be darkness. People was consume with darkness and to dare feel compassion for someone and be destroy, because their is something higher then love and it was their duty for the country.

"Chuck Out the Men" (Raus mit den Männern), by Friedrich Hollaender (1926) 

The battle for emancipation's been raging since history began
Yes, feminists of every nation want to chuck off the chains made by man
Hula girls and housemaids and wives in Maribou
hear all our voices thunder in protest
Anything that men do women can do too
and more that that we women do it best

(für Claire Waldoff)
Es geht durch die ganze Historie
ein Ruf nach Emanzipation
vom Menschen bis zur Infusorie
überall will das Weib auf den Thron.
Vin Hawai-Neger bis zur Berliner Range
braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall daher:
Was die Männer können, können wir schon lange
und vielleicht ’ne ganze Ecke mehr.

Women being treated like an object has been around for centuries. Man treading and assuming women cant be good for anything other then being housewife's or a "baby maker machine" needed to change. The stigma that women couldn't work, could go to school, they could vote was the way men thought about women. They weren't allow do anything and something needed to be done. Women needed to stand together to make this change happen. It didn't matter what type of women, rich, poor, middle class women, because it didn't matter what category you was in, you as a women didn't have a voice.    


A man that had sexual activities with another man was to be punish by the law, so it was basically not permitted. As well as a man that let another man used him for sexual activities, but in that case I think it will be more of a prostitution action. The punishment was more extreme if the person committing the act was with a minor, in which this case is more understandable because a minor don't have an appropriate age to consent sexual act.


The most extreme penalty for any broken laws that apply to a sexual act was 10years. However there was at least a penalty of three months in prison for committing a sexual or letting someone abuse in such sexual. If a person over 21 years old seduces a minor to act on sexual behaviors or if the person was in a relationship that is being abuse for sexual services. As well as a man that was not a shame to be sexual open about their sexuality. It seem like anything that had to do with a men having sex with another man was consider a crime.


The sexual act from a human to a animal was consider a crime. If this act was committed the person civil right was taken away. Being that a person was willing to act on such horrifying act there was no compassion on how the law was going to penalizes.

This article relate to the class because during this time being gay was a huge issue that was consider a mental illness and a crime. so the WAR was not the only problem for people having to deal with such penalties for liking the same sex was a big problem as well.              

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