Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Walter Benjamin: "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

In this example, the camera is used not to glorify but to expose the contradictions within the economic and social system not by statistical arguments but by depicting human suffering, and to give expression to groups and individuals who normally would not be able to express themselves. This is true both of the economic underclasses but also of racial minorities such as many Japanese-American citizens who were placed in "internment" camps by the U.S. government during World War II

Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother, Florence Owens Thompson, 1936

Stanley Forman, Fire Escape Collapse, 1975

What I believe this passage is trying to say was, that the level of miserable life's during these WAR WORLD were actually worst then anybody can imaging. In reality its much easier saying " oh yes thing are bad but it can be fix" and actually seeing with your own eyes that people were living a really bad life during these times. Its even worst when a person know that they are living a horrible life and knowing they cant do anything about their situation because their voice dose not matter. This was not only an issue for people of color but also for people that were consider lower class. History has been represented as issue with people of color " racial" but by looking at these pictures you see " white people" suffering as much as any other person could suffer. Its amazing to see that maybe the issue around the world and in past time has not been about racial matters but rather about economy, power and control. To see a woman be homeless with her two children is terrible, not taking away the fact that these people that are consider "lower class" are white. However the suffering those not stop, on the next picture there is a clear vision of  two young children flying down a building from a fire escape. These are thing that should not be happing specially if the life's of the children are in danger. People shouldn't be dying of starvation, or because something that should be safe isn't . I believe this was a perfect way to show the world how bad thing were, to make people actually see what was going on at this time not only because the WAR was going on but because there will be consequences for people actions and sometimes the people that have to pay for those consequences are the most vulnerable people.    

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